
Research Overview

My research is focused on the full stack of a  communication network, starting from PHY, MAC, and network layer, with an extensive focus on prototyping. I have used tools from online learning, causal inference, and signal processing for my research. 

In the following, I have put an overview of a few submitted/published projects. 

Graduate Research


Sensing-aided beamforming for multi-user mmWave communication

Configuration management in cellular network


User clustering and selection in cellular network


Defense against eavesdropping attack on low-resolution phased arrays [Project page]


Side information-aided mmWave beam alignment designs

Undergraduate Research

Analytical Modelling of Bluetooth Low Energy Protocol-based Sensor Networks

Supervisor: Dr. Debashis Ghosh, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (July 2016 - May 2017)

NS3-based simulator for Bluetooth Low Energy protocol-based sensor networks

Supervisor: Dr. Neelesh Mehta, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru (May - July 2016)

Distribution-free Spectrum Sensing Technique for Full-Duplex Cognitive Radio

Hobby projects

gr-bokehgui: Web-based display for GNURadio [Link]
GNU Radio, Google Summer of Code 2017

MIPS Single Cycle Microprocessor using VHDL [Link]
Implemented a processor capable of running 7 basic instructions.
Added Python script to act as a compiler for converting assembly code to ModelSim simulation script (binary instructions).